Volume 51 / Issue 4/2006
K.A.Gschneidner, The Theory of Phase Formation in Rare Earth Metal Systems.
J.Dutkiewicz, J.Morgiel, L.Lityńska-Dobrzyńska, W.Maziarz, T.Czeppe, M.Parracarillo, T.B.Massalski, Search for New Matellic Glass Compositions in NiZrTi Base Alloys Near Multicomponent Eutectic Positions.
F.Abdo, A.Fave, M.Lemiti, A.Laugier, C.Bernard, A.Pish, Study of Sn-Cu-Al. Phase Diagrams for Growth of Silicon thin Film by Liquid Phase Epitaxy.
M.Wautelet, A.Shirinyan, Phase Transitions in Binary Alloys: Nanoparticles and Nanowires.
A.V.Dobromyslov, G.V.Dolgikh, J.Dutkiewicz, T.L.Trenogina, Phase and Structural Transformations in Ti-Ta Alloys in Wide Region of Compositions.
A.Łaszcz, A.Czerwiński, J.Ratajczak, J.Kątcki, N.Breil, G.Larrieu, E.Dubois, TEM Study of Iridium Silicide Contact Layers for Low Schottky Barrier Mosfets.
L.Lityńska-Dobrzyńska, Effect of Heat Treatment on the Sequence of Phases Formation in Al-Mg-Si Alloy with Sc and Zr Additions.
A.Chrobak, M.Kubisztal, G.Haneczok, D.Chrobak, P.Kwapuliński, Z.Stokłosa, J.Rasek, Phase Stability and Structural Relaxation in Fe-Nb-B Amorphous Alloys.
A.Góral, J.Jura, M.Bieda, L.Lityńska-Dobrzyńska, Effect of Directional Crystallization Rate on Microtexture of Al.-CuAl2 Eutectic Alloy.
M.Lewandowska, Stability of Second Phase Particles during Processing by Hydrostatic Extrusion.
J.Kuśnierz, J.Dutkiewicz, P.Malczewski, M.Kurowski, Nanocrystalline Materials Manufactured by Torsion under Pressure of 2 GPA.
D.Podorska, P.Drożdż, J.Falkus, J.Wypatowicz, Calculations of Oxide Inclusions Composition in the Steel Deoxidized with Mn, Si and Ti.
J.Romanowska, B.Onderka, G.Wnuk, J.Wypartowicz, Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the Systems As-Ti, As-Zr, As-Cu-Ti and As-Cu-Zr.
G.Wnuk, J.Romanowska, Influence of Cu and Sn on the Activity of Bi in Cu-Sn-Bi Liquid Alloys.
G.Mrówka-Nowotnik, J.Sieniawski, A.Nowotnik, Intermetallic Phase Identification on the Cast and Heat Treated 6082 Aluminium Alloy.
Z.Moser, W.Gąsior, K.Rzyman, A.Dębski, Calorimetric Studies of the Enthalpies of Formation of NiTi2, NiTi and Ni3Ti.
W.Wołczyński, Transition Phenomena in the Diffusion Soldering/Brazing.
C.Gumiński, Phase Diagrams of the Water-Rich Parts of the Rare Earth Metal Chloride-Water System.
H.Garbacz, P.Wieciński, T.Wierzchoń, K.J.Kurzydłowski, Effect of Surface Treatment on the Microstructure of TA6V.
M.Andrzejczuk, M.Lewandowska, T.Kosmac, K.J.Kurzydłowski, The Structural Stability of Zirconia Ceramics in Water and Acid Solutions.
K.Kędra-Królik, P.Gierycz, J.Bucki, Controlled Precipitation of CaCo3 Sub-Micro Crystals of Well-Defined Structure in a Multiphase System.