Scientific blog
PhD report November 2013 A.Mzyk 
Friday, 13 December, 2013, 06:44
Posted by Aldona Mzyk
This month was not so sad and depressive as I expected despite of drowsy weather. Probably it took place thanks to many things which have to be done. I performed cytotoxicity assays of PEM films such like PLL/HA and PLL/ALG. I also prepared Chi/CS samples which were sent to Laser Center in Leoben (Austria) in order to introduce into their structure SiC nanoparticles by PACVD method.
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Monday, 9 December, 2013, 01:16
Posted by Piotr Drzymala
On the basis of an algorithm written program, creating EBSD maps based on mathematical graph G = (V, E) in the form of letters, in which the set of vertices V = {v1, ..., vn} is identified with a set of grain products, and the set of edges E = {e1, ..., em} is identified with the relation of grain vi vj neighborhood. Each node of the set of V has not yet assigned an average grain orientation and size (number of pixels of subsequent). The set E is formed from a set of V in the following way. Each grain vi from the set V is expanded by one pixel (up, down, left and right). Then takes into account the part of the common intersection of all the vertices understood as sets of items in a square matrix EBSD maps. Most of these grains will of course be decoupled, and where the information is collected intersect with a length of intersection, disorientation, borders positions in the matrix of the map.
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PhD report G. Kulesza (November'13) 
Saturday, 7 December, 2013, 12:44
Posted by Grazyna Kulesza
As the term is chasing, I had to reliably get to work and write. So that month I focused on writing, leaving for a moment my research. I managed to write a piece of theoretical introduction for cell construction and operation.
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November K. Stan-Glowinska 
Friday, 6 December, 2013, 15:23
Posted by Katarzyna Stan
During November:
- I have been writing an introduction to my work
- I have prepared powders from ternary melt spun ribbons and obtained my first bulk samples by hot pressing
- I did some TEM studies on annealed samples of quaternary Al-Mn-Fe-Mo melts spun ribbons

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November report (K.Glowinski) 
Friday, 6 December, 2013, 13:52
Posted by Krzysztof Glowinski
I was testing the method for finding
peaks in grain boundary distributions.
It seem that it is quite efficient, but
some control parameters and threshold
must be adjusted. I have been playing with
differen values of those parameters
for various data sets.

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