Scientific blog
PhD progress JK 
Thursday, 7 February, 2013, 16:46
In January I have participated in SEM training course that have been organized in our Institute for interested young scientists and PhD students. During the training we used Institute Philips Electron Optics XL30 Scanning Electron Microscope equipped with LINK ISIS Energy Dispersive Spectrometer from Oxford Instrument. Training consisted of five meetings each lasting between two to four hours. During its course we have learned basic techniques required for sample observations in secondary and backscattered electrons. Additional training was given for X-ray chemical microanalysis for both standard-less and standard quantitative analysis, as well as chemical mapping.
Apart from training I have conducted mechanical tests on grade 2 and grade 4 titanium before (tensile tests + hardness) and after (hardness) KoBo extrusion.
Additionally first samples of titanium treated by electroerosion cutting have been prepared and inspected by means of scanning electron microscope.

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