Scientific blog
Progress in PhD science 
Sunday, 25 November, 2012, 14:28
During last couple of weeks samples of KoBoed earlier zinc were analyzed by means of EBSD technique in SEM. As pointed before samples were held in liquid nitrogen temperature prior to metallographic preparation and inspection. Crystal Orientation maps from transverse sections revealed microstructure similar to that observed earlier in 'fresh samples'. No large grains and no fine grains arranged into intergranular lines have been observed. Mean grain size is close to 15 micrometers and some grains are slightly elongated. Some characteristic arrangement of grains forming bands can be observed which is similar feature to those observed also in KoBo extruded titanium in Transverse section.
Lack of large grains and subgrain features further support hypothesis of room temperature recrystallization or healing processes in KoBo extruded zinc.

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