Scientific blog
Monday, 7 October, 2013, 10:39
In beginning of september I was busy preparing for internal evaluation of progress in PhD research, so i had a good chance to review my recent investigations. Additionally I have prepared and submitted an abstract for upcoming Joint PhD seminar. Abstract was prepared for poster presentation that would concern general observation of microstructure features observed in KoBo deformed hexagonal metals - zinc and titanium.
Microstructure investigation have been performed by high resolution SEM FEG Quanta
microscope with integrated EBSD system. In cases of both types of materials microstructure after deformation is substantially refined and strongly heterogeneous, with grain sizes ranging from tens of microns to single microns size. Strong axial texture is characteristic for all kinds of examined samples with 0001 basal planes aligned parallel to the extrusion direction. Grains are typically elongated in extrusion direction, however grain shape parameter varies between zinc and titanium. Internal subgrain structure is found for both deformed material types, consisting of crystal lattice bending, resulting in slight misorientation variation along grain axis, as well as formation of dislocation walls and low angle grain boundaries.

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